Clayton Gallagher, a rhythmic soul who can see truth to the center of it. He is a grounded father of three boys. Enjoys brewing beer and is damn good at it. Drums with passion and plays the geetar as if he were playing on your heartstrings. Loves good company and laughter. Watching mindful documentaries and having long conversations about the state of the earth and all her creatures.
Cedric Auryn Gallagher(photo below)2 years old. The youngest of the boys has a pirate smile and golden eyes a very good sense of humor. He can stand up to any challege put forward. As a baby he was known to make hearts melt with his peaceful presence. He loves to be read to, paint, build and destroy train tracks, and chase after balls. He is also known as the 'dog whisperer'. (scorpio)
Elijah Rain Gallagher age 8. Reads fantasy novels, loves to draw with pastels,and is well versed in the world of super hero's. He would really love to learn about horse's while we are travelling. He has a kind heart that can be sensitive to the needs of others. He stands for what is right and is hard put to be swayed from what he knows is true in his heart. (scorpio)
Alyxander Sage Gallagher age 4. A happy bright eyed child lives for adventure and laughter. He does not mind getting messy and loves to wrestle. He loves his brothers and plays well with any child. He has a very active imagination and loves to tell stories. He is in a band with his friend kana called the killer hickups and i could see them becoming famous some day :)
Enjoying the last days of the season...
Clayton & Nicole
Elijah Rain
Cedric Auryn
Alyxander Sage
Hello from the Doeg family! We were just up in Searsport this past weekend and were wondering how you guys were doing. And then this was posted on Facebook! It makes me so happy to learn about your family adventure, how amazing!! Sending much love to you all, stay safe, and thank you for sharing with us. Inspirational, indeed. -April, Ernie, Harlan and Asher :-)