Thursday, January 10, 2013


Happy New Year!!
We made it through 2012.
 A year ago I was still in the planning stage of our east to west coast trip. And now after being in Texas for 4 months we feel it is time for the journey home.  I have learned a lot in the last year about letting go. And also about embracing new people and places that have taught me to grow as a person. A lot of my lessons started before the trip. Especially how much people are willing to help and support things that are outside of their understanding but they still cared enough to help. This era is changing rapidly and there are no guidelines for how to live. We are each of us responsible for bringing forth a new age where acceptance and integrity take on a new place at the fore front. There is a lot of talk from people all around the country(and possibly the world) about where we are going as a nation and as a people. From my experiences over the past year I would like to see the emphasis be on community, simplicity, and the integration of universal truths such as Love. There will come a time when the people of the United States will be taking back their country and when we do i would like to see that happen based on true Liberty. That can not happen unless we are a moral and virtuous people. So says Dr. Ron Paul. I dont mean to keep the topic on politics its just something that's been on my mind, and it may seem idealistic but I believe in the spirit of humanity even when the ego gets in the way. So I will close this thought by reiterating that I Love you and I am keeping the faith. 
Again the last few months have been very intense and busy. We recognized the boys birthdays, a day of Thanksgiving, and observed the holiday when Mary gave birth to Christ. We were able to be here to see family and friends pass into a new year. We also happened to be here when Claytons dad had a heart attack! Holy Sheep, Batman he's OK but lets hope he stays that way. Due to Charlies health and other circumstances we have been living in New Braunfels with my in-laws for the last few months. Besides wake up calls to mortality we have thoroughly enjoyed our time here with family and friends. Clayton found work at an Aquaponics farm called Lily pad Farm. There are 4 large greenhouses and two large tanks of tilapia in each greenhouse. The fish provide nutrients to the plants and the plant roots filter the water and bring oxygen back to the fish. Its and amazing example of a true symbiotic relationship and a new way of raising sustainable farm raised fish. All the plants are grown using heirloom seeds and they grow anything from kale, lettuce, herbs, and cucumbers but there are a lot of possibilities. Clayton is trying to learn all he can about the whole process so that we can build a system in Maine. This is just one of the areas we would like to pursue in the next year that we are very much looking forward to. I will leave you with these thoughts and know that i plan on continuing with this blog to chart our trip on the way back to Maine which should be taking place in a few weeks. In the meantime here are some more photos to document a little of our time. Namaste!
Clayton and I at ACL Fest 2012

 Happy Halloween